Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Patriarchate of Antioch...

has the official Arabic version of its decision here. The document is identical to page three of the Antiochian Archdiocese's pdf. The first two pages of that document, which at the time of this post are still being presented at, are therefore apparently not official but somehow found their way into the pdf.

We'll find out in time how the first two pages got there but at least now we have an official version of the Arabic to deal with for the sake of translation. The key, as I understand it, is a single word variously translated "assistant" or "auxiliary". In the fax presented by the Archdiocese, a fax whose first two pages have been in dispute, it was clearly translated "auxiliary" so now we have to wait and see.

This is not to overlook the fact that somehow the fax sent to the Archdiocese has been compromised with two extra pages, one an English translation now apparently disavowed by the Patriarchate and the second an Arabic version also disavowed. It is an understatement to say that this is a serious matter that does need to be addressed.

Please pray for the Antiochian Archdiocese as it may be a long, hot, summer.