Thursday, June 11, 2009

And now we wait...

for the Holy Synod of Antioch to meet next week and perhaps come to some kind of resolution on the questions and issues raised by thier decision to change our Diocesan Bishops to auxiliaries. Just wait and pray and hope.

The reports back from Bishop Mark and Bishop Basil are, of course, vague because private things were said and that confidence needs to be maintained. Yet the tone seemed positive and I hope that the concerns brought to the attention of our Patriarch will be addressed. If you can imagine a whole Archdiocese holding its breath you've probably sensed what we're doing right now.

One of the larger questions is the one of fallout. Which ever way it goes someone will be unhappy and working on whatever step is next. My feeling is there may be some kind of compromise where all the parties involved are given some piece of the pie but that remains to be seen. I'd prefer, of course, to see the Bishops restored, but everything is out of my hands now. it's a vulnerable place to be but also a place where everyone needs to simply rest in God. In the end that may be one of the lessons of all of this.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the Antiochian Holy Synod reaches an amicable decision soon, in order to put this Bishop-Auxiliary controversy to rest.
