Friday, November 17, 2006

The Thrill of the Chaste...

Here's a link to the www site of "The Thrill of the Chaste" a new book by a 30 something woman who converted both to Christian faith and a life of chastity and now speaks of her experiences as a refugee from the "Sex and the City" mentality.

As has been mentioned before in this blog there is always a certain amount of pain in speaking to the world about the health, life, and peace that comes from practicing a Christian sexual morality, a morality with both high standards and a place for self correction when sin fails the high calling. The pain comes from knowing there will be many people, not sleazes or whores, but people looking for meaning and love and touch and togetherness who will, in thier need, buy in to a values system that will hurt them and sometimes even take thier life. There are many of us who, by grace or just dumb luck, emerged on the other side in relative safety but many more who will still only come to see the value of the Christian sexual vision by virtue of traveling through some very dark valleys.

Read the book.

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